Physarum Machines: Embedded Computation with Slime Mould

PhyChip and TRUCE Workshop at the 13th European Conference on Artificial Life, York, UK.
20 July 2015

Live Broadcast on 20th July 14:00

Supported by Task Force on Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Collective Systems, Emerging Technologies Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

Location: RCH/248  Lakehouse 1

Final program

14:00-14:10 Andy Adamatzky (UK): Why do we love slime mould?

14:10-14:30  Leslie GarcĂ­a (DE): Slime mould bio-modular sonification and demo performance

14:30-14:50 (IT): On transporting particles with slime mould

14:50-15:10 Jeff Jones (UK): Computational Mechanisms and Applications of a Multi-agent Model of Slime Mould

15:10-15:30 Georgios Sirakoulis and Michail-Antisthenis  Tsompanas (GR): Mimicking Physarum Polycephalum with Discrete Models: The Cellular Automata Approach

15:30-16:00  Beer & smoking break

16:00 – 16:20 (USA): A chemomodulatory platform for Physarum polycephalum incorporating genetically transformed plant root cultures

16:20 – 16:35 (UK): Towards Physarum intra-cellular circuits

16:35 – 16:50  James Whiting (UK): Physarum learning

16:50 – 17:10  Krzysztof Pancerz and Andrew Schumann (PL): Rough Set Approximations of Payoffs in Strategy Games on Physarum Machines

17:10 – 17:30  Richard Mayne (UK): Slime mould intracellular collision-based computing

17:30 – 17:45  Martin Grube (AT): Slime mold: quo vadis?


What is slime mould? Plasmodium of acellular slime mould Physarum polycephalum is a gigantic single cell visible by unaided eye. The cell shows a rich spectrum of behavioural morphological patterns in response to changing environmental conditions. Given data represented by chemical or physical stimuli we can employ and modify the behaviour of the slime mould to make it solve a range of computing and sensing tasks. Plasmodium can solve computational problems with natural parallelism, e.g. related to shortest path, hierarchies of planar proximity graphs, computation of plane tessellations, execution of logical computing schemes, and natural implementation of spatial logic and process algebra. The workshop deals with software, hardware and wetware realisations of Physarum machines: programmable by configurations of repelling and attracting gradients amorphous biological computing devices inspired by or implemented with the plasmodium of P. polycephalum.

Got any questions? Email to Andy at 


We acknowledge financial support from the TRUCE (Training and Research in Unconventional Computing in Europe) and PhyChip (Physarum Chip: Growing Computes from Slime Mould) projects, under the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the ICT theme of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission (project numbers 318235 and 316366).


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